Spirent PNT X Simulation System Spirent PNT X Simulation System Spirent PNT X Simulation System
Spirent PNT X Simulation System
Spirent PNT X Simulation System
Spirent PNT X Simulation System


The new Spirent PNT X simulation system is designed to deliver unprecedented performance in PNT simulation and testing. It offers the highest fidelity and most signal sources in a single test platform to address the future of enhanced autonomy, safety, efficiency, and precision.

As developers look beyond GNSS alone to address increasingly complex positioning challenges, PNT X brings together L-band, S-band, and alternative navigation (AltNav) signals into one innovative, compact, and flexible system.

Some of the features and capabilities of PNT X include: patented I/Q spatial awareness capability; an enhanced controlled reception pattern antenna (CRPA) testing interface; the highest available continuous dynamic range for jamming evaluation; and a standard update rate of 2 kHz for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) and high-dynamics vehicle testing.

Along with a host of other groundbreaking enhancements, PNT X is the world's most advanced test solution for mission-critical systems and NAVWAR robustness.

A new benchmark for CRPA testing

PNT X offers an intuitive and configurable approach to defining CRPA scenarios, delivering flexible and powerful jamming and advanced spoofing capabilities. Whether conducted or over-the-air, PNT X supports 16+ element CRPAs, continuous high dynamic range for interference signals, and a carrier phase-aligned wavefront enabled by its purpose-designed and optimised SDR technology.

Approved testing for approved users

Through its flexible architecture PNT X enables authorized users to test using GPS Directorate approved MNSA M-Code, AES M-Code and server-based SDS M-Code, SA/A-S, and industry-first RMP. PNT X also supports Galileo PRS signals through an established partnership with Fraunhofer IIS.

Protect against threats

Jamming and spoofing are increasing in scale and in sophistication. Designed to help protect your systems in the harshest environments, PNT X is the most powerful, capable and realistic NAVWAR test platform available today. It employs a range of technologies to deliver unrivalled dynamic range and an unlimited range of spoofing and jamming threats.

Interoperability at its finest

In addition to the powerful SimREMOTE and NI LabVIEW interfaces, PNT X supports a variety of programming languages and platforms via gRPC, such as C++, Java and Python. The embedded Spyder software provides a Python Integrated Development Environment for effective test automation, quick scenario control and comprehensive post-processing analysis.

Future-proof your PNT

In addition to the established SimINERTIAL feature, PNT X supports S-band, custom waveform generation and LEO PNT as standard. Through its patented I/Q spatial awareness capability, realistic dynamics are applied to I/Q files in real-time in the same way as native GNSS signals, creating the possibility for the generation of infinite novel PNT signals.

Over-the-air testing

Leverage the power of PNT X within anechoic chamber environments to test the whole PNT solution including the antenna. With individual and combined output modes from the same system, Spirent delivers powerful and innovative solutions ranging from fixed antenna array setups to advanced zoned chamber solutions with positioners and highly realistic multipath modeling.

Enhanced SimGEN control software

PNT X is powered by SimGEN, the most comprehensive GNSS and PNT simulation software. With its unmatched capability and performance for scenario definition, execution, and data management, SimGEN now introduces cutting-edge 3D scenario support and elevates user experience to new heights.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Description Units
RF Signal Level Carrier Level Control (Maximum) +20 dB
Carrier Level Control (Minimum) -40 dB
Carrier Level Control (Resolution) 0.1 dB

Carrier Level Control (Linearity)

+20 dB to -30 dB

-30.1 dB to -40 dB


<0.10 dB

<0.20 dB

Absolute Accuracy

Run to Run Repeatability

±0.5 dB

±0.1 dB

Individual Output Mode

Nominal Signal Level

+71 dB
Configurable Iteration Rate Supported SimGEN Simulation Iteration Rates (SIR) 10, 100, 250, 500,1000, 2000 Hz
Hardware update rate 1000, 2000 Hz
Bulk logging update rate 250 Hz
Limit of Signal Dynamics Relative Velocity 120,000 m/s
Relative Acceleration 192,600 m/s2
Relative Jerk 890,400 m/s3

Angular Rates (at 1.5 m lever arm)

(indicative) (at 0.05 m lever arm)

>15π rad/s

>60π rad/s

Signal Accuracy Pseudorange Accuracy  0.3 mm RMS
Pseudorange Bias 0 mm RMS
Delta-range Accuracy < ±1.0 mm RMS
Inter Frequency Alignment < ±230ps (±69mm)
1PPS to RF Alignment < ±2 ns
Spectral Purity Harmonics < -40 dBc
In-band Spurious < -182 dBW
Phase Noise (single sideband) < 0.005 Rad RMS
Signal Stability Internal 10.00 MHz OCX Oscillator (after warm up) ± 5 x 10-10 per day
Embedded Multipath Fixed path-length delay per path 0 to 1245 m
Resolution (approximately) 2.5 m
HIL System Latency 2 ms


Options Descriptions
PNT X Simulation System

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Spirent GSS7000 GNSS Simulator Spirent GSS7000 GNSS Simulator Spirent GSS7000 GNSS Simulator
Spirent GSS7000 GNSS Simulator
Spirent GSS7000 GNSS Simulator
Spirent GSS7000 GNSS Simulator


The Spirent GSS7000 Series Multi-Frequency, Multi-GNSS RF Constellation Simulator sets a new standard of excellence in GNSS RF Simulation for performance testing and evaluation of GNSS systems and devices for civil and consumer applications.

The GSS7000 produces a comprehensive range of emulated multi-GNSS, multi-frequency RF signals with class-leading flexibility, coherence, fidelity, performance, accuracy and reliability.

The GSS7000 provides numerous benefits to all those working in GNSS/system technology and application development, including accurate and properly-defined signals, comprehensive and feature-rich simulation and full control of all aspects of the GNSS operating environment, inherent repeatability and the ability to apply systematic errors and incidents that are impossible to realise using real satellite signals.

Application of Spirent’s expertise in producing GNSS Test Solutions acquired over the past 30 years, plus advancements in the performance and efficiency of the state-of-the-art core technology on which the GSS7000 is built, means that properly-defined GNSS testing is now more accessible than ever, at the entry-level for fundamental testing, and right through the series to the most capable configuration for advanced testing.

These benefits, together with Spirent’s proven global expertise and support make the Spirent GSS7000 Multi-Frequency, MultiGNSS RF Constellation Simulator the essential choice for all civil and consumer device application test needs.

Future-proof your PNT testing

With its embedded controller and compact design, the dedicated SDR architecture of the GSS7000 combines power and space-saving efficiency for your labs. Through the flexibility to customize and upgrade anytime, anywhere, you can confidently overcome new threats and growing expectations of precision and reliability.

User-friendly simulation control

The GSS7000 is run on the world's most powerful and flexible simulation control software. With the ability to choose between 3 different levels of software, users can meet any budget requirements while maintaining comprehensive control over signals generated, power levels and scenario dynamics, as well as real time data logging and streaming.

Accessible vulnerability testing

The GSS7000 is equipped with highly flexible generation capabilities. Whether testing against complex jamming and spoofing attacks or qualifying systems for RED compliance, users benefit from control over power levels and frequencies of interferers within the GNSS bands. Dynamic spoofing capability gives additional opportunities for robustness.

Automotive HIL testing

Developments in automotive and autonomous vehicle technology are driving a need for high-performance, multi-sensor positioning engines. The GSS7000 delivers robust, low-latency PNT inputs for hardware-in-the-loop configurations. Low and consistent latency, and plug-and-play interoperability with the leading HIL platforms, enable unrivaled realism and usability.

Accelerate and de-risk your PNT testing

Spirent engineers and consultants combine decades of PNT testing experience with in-depth knowledge of testing hardware and software. Benefit from Spirent's global support network, and partnerships with third party providers to get your development moving towards complete success, on time and within budget.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Description Units
RF Signal Level Carrier Level Control (Maximum) +15 dB
Carrier Level Control (Minimum) -40 dB
Carrier Level Control (Resolution) 0.1 dB

Carrier Level Control (Linearity)

+15 dB to -30 dB

-30.1 dB to -40 dB


<0.10 dB

<0.20 dB

Absolute Accuracy

Run to Run Repeatability

±0.5 dB

±0.1 dB

Iteration Rates Supported SimGEN Simulation Iteration Rates (SIR) 10, 100, 250, 500,1000 Hz
Hardware update rate 1000 Hz
Bulk logging update rate 1000 Hz
Latency (remote data to RF)  4 x SIR
Limit of Signal Dynamics Relative Velocity ±30,000 m/s (Units @ 100Hz), ±120,000 m/s (Units @ 1000Hz)
Relative Acceleration ±2000 m/s2 (Units @ 100Hz), ±192,600 m/s2 (Units @ 1000Hz)
Relative Jerk ±22000 m/s3 (Units @ 100Hz), ±890,400 m/s3 (Units @ 1000Hz)

Angular Rates (at 1.5 m lever arm)

(indicative) (at 0.05 m lever arm)

>2π rad/s (Units @ 100Hz), >15π rad/s (Units @ 1000Hz)

>10π rad/s (Units @ 100Hz), >60π rad/s (Units @ 1000Hz)

Signal Accuracy Pseudorange Accuracy  3 mm RMS (Units @ 100Hz), 0.3 mm RMS (Units @ 1000Hz)
Pseudorange Bias 0 mm RMS
Inter Frequency Alignment < ±250ps (±75mm)
1PPS to RF Alignment < ±2 ns
Spectral Purity Harmonics < -40 dBc
In-band Spurious (highest limit applies) < -182 dBW
Phase Noise (single sideband) <0.02 Rad RMS
Signal Stability Internal 10.00 MHz OCX Oscillator (after warm up) ± 5 x 10-10 per day
Static Multipath Channels Fixed path-length delay per path 0 to 1245m
Resolution (approx.) 2.4m


Options Descriptions
GSS7000 GNSS Simulator

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Portable Simulator

Spirent Portable Simulator
Spirent Portable Simulator


Configurable according to your requirements, the Portable Simulator enables high precision testing that can move from location to location. Whether in the lab or in the field, and whether conducted or radiated, the Portable Simulator delivers signals from GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou and QZSS for powerful and flexible GNSS testing. In addition, the ability to closely synchronise to live sky signals offers the capability to conduct powerful in-field spoofing testing.

In-field spoofing testing

While laboratory testing offers the greatest possible control over the environment, testing of the fully integrated product in its final form factor is often carried out in a live sky environment. The Portable Simulator brings the control and integrity needed to this environment, enabling powerful spoofing testing using real-world signals. The capability to synchronise to live sky signals make it the perfect tool to facilitate advanced testing — from trajectory to navigation data spoofing.

Remote location testing

Due to high power requirements, form factor and weight, most lab-based test equipment cannot easily be moved. However, portable solutions often lack the required precision and realism, as well as a truly flexible and feature-rich control software platform. The portable simulator enables users to perform powerful and reliable testing between different locations without compromising on performance or useability.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
Simulation iteration rate 100Hz
Hardware iteration rate 100Hz
Pseudorange accuracy 3mm
Phase Noise 0.05 rad RMS
• High power port -60 dBm reference
Carrier Level Control

– Maximum +15 dB

– Minimum -20 dB

– Resolution 0.1 dB


Options Descriptions
Portable Simulator Portable Simulator

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Spirent GSS6450 GNSS Simulator Spirent GSS6450 GNSS Simulator
Spirent GSS6450 GNSS Simulator
Spirent GSS6450 GNSS Simulator


The GSS6450 RF Record Playback System (RPS) from Spirent provides a simple and efficient way to capture real world GNSS, Cellular and Wireless signals and replay them in the laboratory. The GSS6450 takes RF recording and playback systems to a whole new level of performance and flexibility, while being housed in a small, battery powered, and portable case. The GSS6450 can record any GNSS signals currently available with dynamic range up to 80dB, high bit depths both ‘I’ & ‘Q’ and bandwidths of up to 80 MHz. The flexible product structure allows the system capability to grow with your testing needs. At the same time the GSS6450 RF RPS can record wireless and cellular data, with up to 80MHz bandwidth at high bit depth and 80dB of dynamic range. A total of four channels are available

High Bit Depth. High Dynamic Range.

The GSS6450 leads the way in combining the practicality and dynamic detail needed for next-generation product development. Offering high dynamic range and bandwidth, and fully configurable according to your needs, the GSS6450 enables powerful lab testing with unrivalled realism.

Creating the Ideal GNSS Testing Environment

While the real world cannot be fully re-created in the lab - there are just too many variables to account for - there are ways to significantly close the realism gap. Find out how to generate more actionable data for a greater proportion of your testing by bringing that testing into the lab.

Accelerate and de-risk your testing

With Spirent's expert services you can outsource the responsibility to record, verify and analyse signal environments, saving you time and money during product development. From repeatable test scenarios to bespoke routes, our experts are on hand to help you test globally, without leaving your own lab.

Basic Performance

Parameters / Characteristics Specifications
Dynamic Range Standard 44dB, Advanced 56dB or High Dynamic Range 80dB
Disk space 2 TB internal, (1, 2, 4 or 7.5 TB removable external drive also available for purchase)
  • Control from front panel Touch Screen, over WiFi, WebServer or scripts
  • Highly Portable, complete with shoulder strap
  • Fully integrated, no PC or external drives required
  • Embedded Spectrum Analysis software
  • OCXO used on record and playback for high frequency stability
  • Record & playback of up to 4 video streams using webcams
  • USB 3.0 supported. Allows data transfer to or from an external hard drive
  • In-built GNSS receiver (L1-GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou), can record NMEA data


Options Descriptions
GSS6450 Record & Playback System

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